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Ramadan date in Pakistan, Ramadan expected starting date in UAE, Dubai, india and other countries

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Ramadan 2023: In Pakistan, Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, will start on March 22 and end on April 21. Check out the expected dates in India, UAE, Dubai, Pakistan, and other countries.

The most auspicious time of the year is almost here. Every year, Ramadan, also known as Ramzan or Ramazan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is celebrated by Muslims with much pomp and grandeur. This holy period is marked as the month of hope, prayers, fasting, reflection and community. People of the Islamic faith let go of worldly pleasures, extravagant behavior, and spending during this month. They observe fast or Roza along with their friends and family. During this time, people wake up early to eat Suhoor or Sehri. Then, till sunset, they do not eat or drink anything. They break their fast by eating dates and drinking water. This ritual is followed by Iftar, a meal that includes all sorts of delicacies.

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